December 2023
December 2023
Annual Customer, Employee, Vender, Appreciation Night!
Last year at Buresh Home Solutions we threw a 20 Year Anniversary Party; we enjoyed it so much, we’re doing it again! It was so well received we are now going to host it annually as a thank you to all that make our company what it is. Last month I mentioned being grateful and I want to say it again…THANK YOU.
Please join us and RSVP today!
A Quote I’m Thinking About…
“We do not learn from experience… we learn from reflecting on experience.”
– John Dewey
Book Recommendation!
“Level Up” by Rob Dial offers a transformative system designed to revolutionize the way you approach your goals, success, and personal motivation. With powerful secrets of highly successful individuals who have mastered the art of focus, defeated their procrastination, and achieved extraordinary results.
Level Up by Rob Dial is a great read I just finished. I also started to listen to his Mindset Mentor podcast. My biggest takeaway from this book is how bad distractions can be for you and your team’s productivity. While reading, I just couldn’t help but consider how true this is for our team at BHS. This will be a focus of mine for the winter season so that next year can be our most productive and error-free year yet.
To purchase, Level Up, click here
What I’m Listening To…
Tim Ferriss Show #708: Dr. Andrew Huberman — A Neurobiologist on Optimizing Sleep, Enhancing Performance, Reducing Anxiety, Increasing Testosterone, and Using the Body to Control the Mind
To listen to The Tim Ferriss Show, click here
A Parable That Hit Home:
This is from The Friday Five email subscription I highly recommend by Sahil Bloom.
An old and young monk are walking along on a journey when they encounter a rushing river.
As they ready themselves for the crossing, they see a woman who is struggling to get to the other side. She asks for their help. The two hesitate, as they’ve both taken vows to avoid contact with women.
The older monk then walks over to the woman, places her on his shoulders, carries her across the river, and drops her on the other side, before continuing on his journey.
The younger monk is stunned but says nothing for many miles as they continue their walk.
Finally, after several hours, he confronts the older monk: “We are not allowed to touch a woman, how could you carry her that way?”
The older monk pauses, then replies: “I set her down miles back on the side of the river, why are you still carrying her?”
As my company has grown there is one thing that has been hard to do and is every day. Letting go, and not having to be involved in every decision. Letting old ideas go for better, newer ways of doing things has been a burden my team has had to deal with for some time. My ways got us here, but this year we hired a total of 13 people and are much bigger. And now, for the satisfaction of our customers, I need to unburden my team and enable them to improve things. One thing I am certain of is that they know how important it is for us to ALWAYS focus on the customer experience. Maybe some old ideas (burdens) can be left in the past.