Quote I’m Thinking About
I have been thinking about this quote by Desmond Tutu a lot lately when it comes to Buresh Home Solutions. This quote really made me think about our efforts as a team to constantly improve and fix things at the source rather than just fixing the immediate issue without considering how we can ensure it doesn’t happen again.
What I’ve Recently Read
A short book that packs a punch, Make Your Bed by William H McCraven. One of the most inspirational quotes from the book is, “If you can’t do the little things right, you will never do the big things right”. This book is based on a graduation speech the author gave on May 27, 2014. With over 10 million views this speech is incredible. The graduating University of Texas students were sent out into the world with great advice. Check out the video here.
My New Mindset
Recently I purchased a Momento Mori Silver Medallion. This purchase happened after I wrote my July blog about my son. For me, it just reminds me daily to take full advantage of each day because sadly each day could be your last. Over the last few weeks, I have been really trying to focus on this mentality. At work, I have been focused on my reactions and learning to stay even keel. This is a work in progress. Here is a link for more history on Momento Mori.
Something a Little More Out There
Last week, Jillian and I took on the One Chip Challenge! Enjoy both of us in pain and let me tell you the pain doesn’t stop for a few hours!
BHS Update
Buresh Home Solutions and Zeke partnered with Pella Windows & Doors for a raffle giveaway of a BRAND NEW door where all proceeds will go to Furry Friends Refuge! We are extending the end date one more month to October 1st, so there is still plenty of time to buy your tickets!